one big black hole.

hey fam! how ya doing? in this post i'm going to be talking about the black hole and how it is a parallel to sin. when we sin we put all of our sins in a black hole at the bottom of our hearts. we try to hide all of those sins from God and ourselves. sometimes we think that the longer we hide it the longer we hold it in, it will soon go away or get better. and that's the lie we tell ourselves because the only person who can help us overcome sin is Jesus. He died for us. He gave up His life for me and you. that's such a crazy thought! take a moment and really meditate on this great big truth! someone that lived years ago wanted me to get to heaven and went to drastic measures to save me. a sinner. who forgets Him at times. who doesn't talk to Him enough. HE DIED FOR ME. wow! what a guy! seriously! to think that we keep hurting Him, we do the same sins over and over. and yet, He still forgives us and asks us to be close to His heart.

what is the black hole? the black hole is a place where the laws of physics as we know them break down. to me i think this means everything gets destroyed and broken. everything is dark, no light lives there. it's cold and you feel alone. the black hole is a great parallel to sin because sin is dark, evil, cold and alone.

we're not alone. we all sin. we all turn away. but we should always remember to run back to Him, never forget that He wants you. we're all on the same journey. we suffer together, sin together and find Jesus together. we were created for greatness and for good. we separate ourselves from God when we sin, it creates a void in our hearts.


the night before i came home from the retreat i made a mental list of all the areas in my life that needed improvement.

1. set a prayer goal and a prayer schedule.
this means morning prayers, participating in weekly mass and night prayers. i try to get the rosary and divine mercy in on some days when my whole family does it.

2. getting up everyday at the same time.
this means 8:30 am. i'm trying to get myself into a healthy routine that helps me get all of my school and extra stuff into my day. every morning i make a list of things that need to get done during the day. priorities are the first 3 on the list. i'm actually pretty proud of myself today, i got everything done. i like being able to check things off and feeling accomplished.

3. making my bed.
what a simple task that i have yet to accomplish. it sounds so stupid, but in the morning i just don't feel like making my bed. as i am writing this post, my bed is a disaster! pillows everywhere, blanket jumbled up and a ton of unfolded clothes. #teenlife

4. less screen time.
i haven't really mastered this yet. it's kinda hard because when i'm bored i tend to sit and stare into the endless pinterest abyss. it's a problem lol. i've made it a point to not turn on my computer before i've gone to mass, done my morning prayers and chores. i mean you gotta start somewhere right?

there is a lot more i could say but i'll share that another day! i hope that today you take a moment to make a list of all the parts in your life that need improvement. it's a great way to get your life together and to create a great healthy relationship with God and all the other relationships you have in your life.

until next time!



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