do you want to be a saint?

hi friends!

today i'm going to be talking about all saints day. this is a little late because yesterday was the feast of all saints, but that's okay. the saints have a special role in history because they show us the love of God through their actions. some died young and some were martyrs. they had to endure many sufferings for example, St. Therese of Lisieux. Therese suffered the loss of her mother at a young age and she was the youngest of her sisters. she also had tuberculosis, which caused her death. through those difficult years she always trusted Jesus and gave the little things up to Him.

another example of suffering for Jesus was Padre Pio. Padre Pio is my favorite saint because he endured so much in his life, but was always happy and joyful. he was given the stigmata of Jesus, which means his hands and feet had holes in them and his side was pierced. imagine living with constant pain, but he never complained because he knew he was saving souls.

do you want to be a saint? are you risking it all to go to heaven? are you living the life God wants you to live? these are good questions to ask ourselves because we are the next generation of saints, and i don't know about you but i want a good story to leave behind when i die. i want to say that i gave up my life, my body, my appearance, my all for Jesus. and anyone can be a saint, trust me. there are many saints that had a terrible back story but then one day something changed, and they gave their life up to Jesus.

so the next time your going to make a decision, ask yourself will it help you become a saint or will it lead you away from heaven.

until next time!

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