highs & lows

heyyyy guys! welcome back to the blog! it has been a loooong time since i last posted! i just want to recap what i've been doing and going through in the last few months. i have a confession to make, there have been a lot of highs & lows in my spiritual life recently. i've been going through a lot of different things and i haven't really been putting Jesus first in my life. i had a great conversation last night over text with one of my friends, and we were talking about how so many things have taken our minds over. we have so much going on physically and mentally that we get distracted and forget all about God. i see most of my friends thriving in life and i think "man, they really have it all figured out!" but that isn't true. i've realized that some people are thriving because God is the center of their lives. when He isn't, life seems to be falling apart.

i'll give you an example of this from my own life. almost 2 months ago i went to the most amazing place in the world, also known as my second home, catholic familyland. about a month before we left, i talked to God every day, i received Him every day and i really felt Him present in my life and among the people around me. i was so happy. then we went to CFL, i felt my relationship with Jesus grow. i was thriving, and the best part was i got to thrive with a group of amazing people around me growing in their relationship too! i was hoping this "Jesus high" would last, but when i got home after that amazing week, it all went downhill. my thoughts were consumed by other things and i lost sight of God. this was honestly a very eye-opening experience because i realized i couldn't do life without God. my life had unraveled faster than i thought it ever could. it was a very dark time for me. my life has changed since then. i'm trying to put God above everything else in my life, i'm surrounding myself with more people who can lead me to heaven and i'm trying to talk to Him throughout the day. 

i have a friend named Gianna. she is going to be a saint and i can tell by the way she loves God. my favorite thing about her is when someone asks her to pray for their intention, she does! right there, in the moment, and with such a sincere heart! she is such a beautiful person and an inspiration to me! she told me about 3 things she is trying to imply every day, i like to call them 

"G's three steps to holiness". 

・1. be thankful for three things before you go to bed.

・2. pray for 20 minutes every day.

・3. offer up every good & bad moment of the day.

i've been trying to remember to do these steps daily and it honestly gives you a new perspective on life. it's great thinking that every moment was perfectly planned by God and He gave these little moments to me to use for His glory! the good & the bad & all of the in between! 

until next time!


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