hey y'all! i hope your lent so far has been awesome! mine has been awesome! as you can tell by the title yes, i went on another life teen retreat. and holy moly! it was so AMAZING! if i had to describe this weekend in 5 words it would be: SEARCH, AUTHENTIC, EMPOWERED, CHOSEN & PURPOSE. this retreat has impacted my life and i want to thank everyone especially Krissy who made this weekend possible. i met so many incredible people, they are so kind and loving even though we've only known each other for 3 days. i love that my close circle of friends were there to EMPOWER me to love God as i should be loving Him. they taught me how to love Jesus in a new and devout way. 

so the retreat topic was SEARCH. we searched for who we are in Christ. we did a bunch of exercises and i've uncovered somethings about my self that i didn't know. right now i'm just gonna put out a few things that were in my journal, mostly just notes, its probably not gonna make sense, but here it goes!!! 

"To will the good of the BELOVED." -St. JP II



every time you let someone in, they bring out a different side of you no one has ever seen. 

personality type: i'm a planner and mover

challenge: feel your feelings

what is love? (baby don't hurt me plays in the background lol)

what is my purpose?

be a good and faithful servant 


own your gifts and don't be afraid to use them


you can't have Easter Sunday without a Good Friday

just be free & let go

y'all i have never gone to adoration and felt so present as i did last night. i felt so free that i can't even describe it! that was probably my favorite part of the whole retreat even though a lot of great/crazy things happened. my friend & i became mothers of an egg, named Brusi Eaglette, figured out if Sacajawea was on the dollar coin (she is) & laughed so hard we had to pee! 

these are my two favorite people to laugh with: 

these gals really know how to have a good time and make EGGcellent egg puns!!!

also quick shout out to all my peeps in HEY JUDE! y'all are so fun to be with, i couldn't have asked for a better small group! Alycia & Sandy, i love y'all so much!!!!

and now the moment we've all been waiting for.... a bunch of random pics!!!!

i hope y'all enjoyed this post that is honestly all over the place! 
i will be writing some post based on a talk from the retreat. so stay posted!

until next time! ♡


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